Saturday, July 18, 2015

Your Courage Will Grow

                               Two years ago, everything changed for me. I began middle school.

                           The daily routine was entirely different, not to mention just the experience of school itself was dramatically altered. My entire social life was basically new. More kids, more work, more courage that I needed to put forth. It was way more than school had ever been for me. I was excited, but also scared, as I expect most kids probably were. What was I to do in this whole new world of people, what was I expected to do?  I didn't want to stand out, have all these new people judge me, so I stayed quiet and kept to elementary school friends. It was like the first day of kindergarten all over again, multiplied by ten. That was the first day.
                              By the end of that year, though, education itself had became something else, something new. My entire perspective on middle school, the changing classes, the new material, it was all different. I had this down, I wasn't exactly a master at everything, actually the opposite, but internally I felt okay with this different concept of school. I made a lot of new friends from other elementary schools, and cared a bit less of what people thought of me. That was also the year I started this blog, sharing my ideas to the world. Now that I think about, that should've been way more intimidating than going into middle school, but for me, it wasn't. It was just writing, something I loved to do. When I glance back into the past, and observe my sixth grade year, I realize that it's a huge journey for everyone. And I know that the schooling experience is different for everyone, but being a kid who is really into learning new things and educating myself on different topics, it's important to me that the environment I learn in is one where I am comfortable or am able to become comfortable and aware of my surroundings. During my sixth grade year, after all the trials and tribulations, after every up and down, I was able to do so, and adapt.
                              Seventh grade I even adapted more so. I noticed myself becoming more outspoken, saying things out loud that before I'd only want to write. I gave it my all, and it paid off. One thing in particular I observed myself tending to do a lot more is ask quite a large amount of questions, maybe out loud in front of the class, or I'd walk up to the teachers desk and ask, either way, I asked so much I thought it became annoying. But let me tell you one thing I've learned, teachers really do enjoy it when you ask questions about material you are not sure of, and there's nothing wrong with not being sure. Asking to enrich your knowledge or clarify something you are unsure of in class will benefit your learning experience immensely.
                               Now, I'm about to enter eighth grade. The last step in middle school, and then off to a new place once more. Now I can reflect back on the years, and see the changes. Now I am able to take what I have learned, both about the world, and myself, and apply it to everyday life when I leave middle school.
                               My point of saying all this though, taking you through my school years and reflecting upon what I did during them, was not to just plainly tell my story, but to convey a lifelong message. A message about personal growth. A message on how courage will prevail, don't be afraid change.
                                  Don't be afraid to grow and change. Don't shy away from saying something you want to, It might change someone else's opinions, and help them grow too. Watch yourself grow internally and be astonished on how something scary or intimidating, such as a huge new school, or enormous crowd of people positively impacted your way of life. And now you are maybe more brave, or smart, or even more confident as you were when you started. 

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